Cancer Misdiagnosis

Cancer Misdiagnosis/Failure to Diagnose Malpractice

Cancer misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose are a profoundly serious issue in health care, often resulting in severe consequences for patients. When a doctor fails to diagnose cancer, misdiagnoses, or delays the diagnosis of cancer, the patient’s chance for cure and condition can deteriorate rapidly. And the extent of their treatment can become more life altering.

The doctor-patient relationship is grounded in trust and a standard of care that, when breached, can drastically impact the lives of cancer patients. Misdiagnoses are particularly concerning in cases of cancers like breast cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer, which may have better outcomes if detected early. A delay in cancer diagnosis can be the basis for a medical malpractice lawsuit but requires several critical legal and medical assessments to know if it will be successful.

When Does a Cancer Misdiagnosis Qualify as Malpractice?

Cancer misdiagnosis leads to a medical malpractice lawsuit when a healthcare provider’s action or inaction deviates from the accepted standard of care and causes harm to the patient. However, not all misdiagnoses qualify for a malpractice claim. It must be proven that a competent physician, under similar circumstances, would not have made the same error. For example, if a doctor overlooked the symptoms of breast cancer, attributed them to a less serious condition, and therefore failed to order the necessary diagnostic tests, this could constitute medical malpractice.

A delay in the diagnosis of cancer can result in a lost chance of cure (either total or partial), for more aggressive debilitating treatments, and earlier death than if the cancer were diagnosed and treated earlier. Generally, the longer the delay, the more likely it worsened the patient’s outcome. This is particularly true if this oversight resulted in significant harm or delayed treatment that exacerbated the patient’s condition.

Medical malpractice claims in such scenarios require the expertise of a specialized malpractice lawyer, who can navigate the complexities of proving negligence and harm in the context of medical care.

Cancer Misdiagnosis Case Elements

In a cancer misdiagnosis malpractice case, several elements must be established.

  • First, there must be evidence of a doctor-patient relationship, which sets the stage for the expected standard of care.
  • Second, it must be demonstrated that the doctor breached this standard through negligence.

The standard of care must be judged by physician experts who are similarly trained and board-certified as the doctor whose care is in question. For instance, if a patient complains of symptoms or displays clear signs of lung cancer and is not referred for appropriate tests, this could be considered a breach of duty. If a family practitioner was monitoring the patient, a family practice physician expert must review the standard of care to determine if an error or deviation from the standard occurred.

  • Third is the causation of otherwise avoidable injury; the patient must show that the doctor’s negligence was a substantial factor in the harm. This might involve demonstrating how an early diagnosis would have led to a better prognosis.

If a family practice physician causes a delay in referral and diagnosis, an expert physician who treats lung cancer must testify as to the difference in survival, treatment, and disability the person has suffered as a result.

  • Fourth, the patient must have suffered damages as a result of this negligence, including physical harm, financial loss, and emotional distress.

Doctor-Patient Relationship

The establishment of a doctor-patient relationship is the first critical step in bringing forth a cancer misdiagnosis case. This relationship, whether short term or long term, is legally recognized and implies that the doctor has agreed to diagnose and treat the patient, thereby accepting the responsibility to adhere to a certain standard of care. In the context of cancer misdiagnosis, this relationship is crucial to determine the duty owed by the doctor to the patient.

The doctor-patient relationship and the duty owed differ for different providers in different situations. Generally, if a patient consults a doctor and has complaints or signs that may indicate cancer, that doctor should either order appropriate testing or make the appropriate referral to a specialist to evaluate the patient further.

An established ongoing doctor-patient relationship is particularly important in the primary care setting where screening of patients for common cancers such as breast, colon, prostate, and cervical cancer is part of the duty of care. Patients must be honest when discussing their health history, and physicians must be nonjudgmental and inquire into social factors that can increase the risk of cancer. Screening is performed on asymptomatic patients, and any failure on the physician’s part to act as a reasonably competent professional in diagnosing cancer can be a breach of this duty.

Doctor Negligence

Proving doctor negligence is central to a cancer misdiagnosis malpractice claim. This involves showing that the doctor’s actions deviated from what is considered standard medical practice. Negligence may be in various forms, such as failing to listen to a patient’s concerns, not ordering necessary diagnostic tests, misinterpreting test results, or not referring the patient to a specialist when needed.

For example, if a doctor dismisses a patient’s symptoms of colon cancer as merely irritable bowel syndrome without thorough examination or if the doctor failed to test for cancer, this could be considered doctor negligence. It must be proven that another competent doctor in a similar situation would have acted differently, leading to a correct or timelier diagnosis.

The most important factor in assessing doctor negligence is having a physician expert who is similarly trained and experienced in the care that may have been negligent. For instance, a neurosurgeon cannot provide an opinion on a gastroenterologist’s care because the training, experience, and care provided are different. So, careful selection of appropriately trained and experienced experts is important to understand if negligence occurred.

Patient Injury and Damages

For a successful medical malpractice lawsuit, it must be evident that the patient suffered specific injury or damages due to the cancer misdiagnosis. This is called causation of injury. This includes physical harm caused by delayed or inappropriate treatment, additional medical costs incurred due to the misdiagnosis, and emotional or psychological distress. For example, a patient whose breast cancer diagnosis was delayed might undergo more aggressive treatment or have a decreased chance of survival, which could be attributed to the doctor’s negligence.

Quantifying patient injury and damages, both economic and non-economic, is a critical aspect of the cancer misdiagnosis lawsuit and often requires expert testimony and detailed documentation.

Depending on the state, financial settlement may vary depending on the likelihood of avoiding injury or the percentage of harm attributable to the error. Some injuries are all or none, such as giving the wrong drug to the wrong patient, causing an anaphylactic reaction and death. But most medical malpractice errors cause an increase in the degree of injury that would not have otherwise occurred.

Cancer Misdiagnosis Damages

Cancer misdiagnosis damages are often substantial and multifaceted. Damages include the additional pain and suffering caused by the negligence, the cost of medical care past and future, financial losses due to the inability to work or provide services, and the emotional injury suffered as a result. Tangible economic damages include medical bills, lost income, and the cost of future medical care necessitated by the misdiagnosis. Additionally, patients may be entitled to compensation for non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.

Pain and suffering damages are more subjective and can vary greatly depending on the individual case. Sometimes experts must testify as to the severe but unseen damages caused by conditions such as chemotherapy-induced brain injury or visual impairments that are perceived by the patient but not an observer. The extent and nature of the misdiagnosis, the severity of the additional harm caused, and the impact on the patient’s quality of life are all considered when determining these cancer misdiagnosis damages.

Proving Cancer Misdiagnosis

Proving cancer misdiagnosis often requires substantial medical evidence and expert testimony. Medical records, diagnostic tests, imaging studies, and treatment histories are critical in establishing what a reasonable and competent doctor would have diagnosed in the same situation. Expert witnesses, typically medical professionals in the same field, are called upon to testify about the standard of care and how the defendant’s actions deviated from this standard.

Oncologists are often part of the group of experts who need to review and testify as to the difference in outcome or treatment caused by the delay in diagnosis. Experts establish the link between the misdiagnosis and the harm suffered by the patient. Proving cancer misdiagnosis is a complex process that requires a thorough understanding of both the legal and medical aspects of the case.

What Cancers Are Most Commonly Misdiagnosed?

The most commonly misdiagnosed cancers are lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, and skin cancer. These are very prevalent, are diagnosable with screening and diagnostic testing, and are commonly misdiagnosed due to their subtle or common symptoms. However, these cancers can have favorable outcomes if diagnosed and treated early. Treatments are standardized and outcomes are known.

The failure to order or misinterpret diagnostic tests, such as mammograms or biopsies for breast or lung cancer, or colonoscopies for colon cancer, lead to cancer misdiagnosis or miss the cancer in its early stage. Early detection is crucial in treating these cancers effectively, making accurate and timely diagnoses imperative for the best patient outcomes.

Failure To Diagnose Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is still the leading cause of death in the United States, even though smoking has decreased, with an estimated 234,580 new cases of lung cancer and an estimated 125,070 deaths occurring in 2024. Most new cases of lung cancer are ex-smokers and non-smokers. It takes 15 years of tobacco abstinence in a former smoker for the cancer risk returns to non- smoker level.

The most common type of lung cancer is non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), which, if caught early before spread, is mostly curable with surgical removal. The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends annual low dose rapid CT screening for lung cancer for people between 50 to 80 years old with a 20-plus pack year lifetime history of smoking until 15 years after their last cigarette. Unfortunately, only about one in five eligible at-risk people are being screened, resulting in at least 40,000 unnecessary deaths from lung cancer annually. In addition to failing to screen, failing to do testing for symptoms suggestive of lung cancer can be another cause of delay that causes harm to patients. Other types of lung cancers include small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) and pulmonary metastases, which are more aggressive tumor types and make cure more difficult even when diagnosed timely.

Lung Cancer Screening Guidelines For Smokers.

The new 2021 U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) lung cancer screening guidelines recommend that smokers who are over 50 years old with a 20 pack-year history undergo annual lung cancer screening until they have stopped smoking for 15 years. A pack-year  is the number of packs smoked a day times the number of years smoked. The risk of lung  cancer does not go down until after 15 years after smoking the last cigarette. These new lung cancer screening guidelines are estimated to prevent 24,000 deaths from lung cancer a year. You qualify if you:

  • Age >50
  • Have a 20 pack-year smoking history or longer
  • Have smoked within the last 15 years

Unfortunately, only 14% of eligible smokers are getting screened for lung cancer. Over 20,000 people die of lung cancer each year who could be saved if lung cancer screening were widely implemented.

How Can Lung Cancer Be Detected?

Lung cancer is often silent until it becomes advanced and that is why early detection is the key to survival. Lung cancer detection can be delayed:

  • If individuals who are high risk are not screened annually.
  • If a radiologist fails to identify an abnormality on a chest x-ray.
  • If a physician fails to follow up on an abnormality reported on a chest x-ray.
  • If a physician fails to investigate a symptom of lung cancer, such as a persistent cough, recurring pneumonia or wheezing.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure: the most reliable way to detect lung cancer early is screening high-risk individuals. Early cancers detected through screening have an 85% cure rate.

Remember: Screening Saves Lives

  • Screening usually finds lung cancers early when they are curable.
  • A low-dose CT scan is a quick and effective test to find early lung cancers.
  • CT scans find cancer in places missed with regular chest x-rays.
  • Lung cancer screening is covered by Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurance plans.
  • Early treatment results approach an 85% cure rate.

Failure To Diagnose Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death in American men, with about 299,010 new cases and 32,250 deaths estimated in 2024. While the five-year survival rate for localized early prostate cancer approaches 100%, it drops to about 36% if diagnosed after having metastasized. For this reason, early diagnosis makes a difference.

The USPSTF recommends that individual men aged 45-69 should make an individual decision about whether to undergo prostate-specific antigen (PSA)-based screening after informed discussion with the physician. Men in this age group are encouraged to discuss the potential benefits and harms of screening with their healthcare provider, considering their personal values and preferences.

Early diagnosis of prostate cancer can happen when there is an abnormality discovered on rectal prostate examination or changes in PSA test results indicate abnormal prostate activity. Failing to test for symptoms associated with prostate cancer and failing to discuss PSA test screening can cause harm through delay in diagnosis.

Failure To Diagnose Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a leading cause of death in American women, with an estimated 310,720 cases of invasive breast cancer diagnosed and 42,250 deaths in women and 530 deaths in men in 2024. About one in eight women will develop invasive breast cancer in their lifetime. There are several types of breast cancer, depending on whether it originates in the duct or the gland.

Mammography is used for initial screening in women beginning at age 40, with periodic imaging every one to two years depending on individual patient choice. Imaging at an earlier age is often ineffective because the breast is dense with glandular tissue that obscures detection of a small cancer. While not all cancers are detectable early, many are and can be successfully treated with almost 100% five-year survival rate. Delayed diagnosis with distant spread has a much lower survival rate. Failure to have mammogram screening or to investigate complaints of lumps can cause delays in diagnosis that are ultimately fatal.

Failure To Diagnose Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is another common cause of death in the United States, with approximately 153,020 new cases and 52,550 deaths from colon cancer in 2024. About one in 25 Americans will develop colon cancer in their lifetime.

Although colon cancer rates are decreasing for older Americans mostly due to screening and early detection, rates in young Americans are increasing. An estimated 15% of new colorectal cancer cases will occur in people under 50 years of age. Early detection when the cancer is local has a five-year survival rate around 90%, but the survival rate drops as the cancer spreads to lymph nodes and distantly.

Screening for adults is recommended to start at 45 years of age with several options beside colonoscopy, such as CT colonography every five years, an annual fecal immunochemical test (FIT), and FIT-DNA every three years. The purpose of the screening is to detect cancer early when survival is excellent. Many rectal carcinomas are easily palpated during a rectal examination. Colon cancer can produce early symptoms depending on where the tumor is located. Failing to evaluate bowel complaints or rectal bleeding, failing to do rectal examinations, and failing to offer screening to patients can result in delayed diagnosis, delayed intervention and poorer outcomes.

Failure To Diagnose Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is another common cancer in the United States, approximately 20% of Americans developing a skin cancer in their lifetime. There are three basic types of skin cancer: squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and melanoma. All are associated with excessive sun exposure.

SCC and BCC are often found on the face, ears, and other areas of chronic sun exposure. Both are slow growing, removable, and curable.

A typical SCC on the skin often appears as a rough, scaly patch, wart-like growth, or firm, red nodule that may crust, bleed, or not heal. A typical BCC often appears as a pearly or waxy bump, a flat, flesh-colored or brown scar-like lesion, or a sore that heals and reopens repeatedly.

Melanoma is a much more aggressive skin cancer that can spread early and widely. A typical melanoma often appears as a dark or irregularly shaped mole or spot with uneven borders, multiple colors, a diameter greater than six millimeters, and/or as a lesion that changes over time. The depth of the melanoma at time of diagnosis is a substantial determinant of survival, making early detection especially important. While five year survival for early stage 1 lesions is approximately 99%, survival drops rapidly if the melanoma is diagnosed later and has spread to the distant organs.

It is important for patients to make their physicians aware of any moles or nodular skin irregularities that itch, bleed, are irregular, and/or change in size or color. Physicians’ failures to accurately assess skin lesions brought to their attention can cause a delay that allows growth and more difficult removal and, in the case of melanoma, decreased chances of survival.

Contact an Experienced Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Understanding whether a cancer misdiagnosis constitutes medical malpractice is a complex and nuanced process, requiring both medical and legal expertise. This is why contacting a physician attorney for a medical malpractice lawsuit is crucial.

These specialized malpractice lawyers possess the unique blend of medical knowledge and legal acumen necessary to navigate the intricacies of medical malpractice cases. They can effectively interpret medical records, consult with medical experts, and understand the standard of care in the medical profession. With their assistance, patients can determine if malpractice occurred, assess the validity of their medical malpractice claim, and pursue the appropriate course of action.

In the overwhelming and often confusing aftermath of a cancer misdiagnosis, the attorneys at Britcher, Leone & Sergio LLC are here to help—including our physician attorney who serves as an invaluable guide in the pursuit of justice and deserved compensation. Contact our office to discuss your potential malpractice lawsuit.

Combining Extensive Legal and Medical Knowledge

In any injury claim, medical issues are of paramount importance. Therefore, your lawyer must have a strong understanding of how these matters relate to your lawsuit. One of our firm’s partners, Armand Leone, is a board-certified diagnostic radiologist, in addition to being a lawyer. His intensive medical knowledge is invaluable in the investigation and litigation stages of every case. Our attorneys will work closely with you throughout your case to develop a strategy that suits your needs.