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Pursuing damages for a personal injury can feel like a leap of faith. Although an attorney can advise you surrounding your case and what they believe the outcome to be, there are no guarantees. However, sometimes, the risk is worth the reward, especially if an attorney can help you obtain the outcome you are looking for. Knowing when the elements of a strong personal injury case may be helpful in understanding what an attorney may be looking for when taking on a case. In most cases, attorneys are incredibly motivated to obtain your desired outcome because in many situations, if you don’t get paid, neither do they.
Injuries are a common, everyday occurrence. Although they range in severity, when someone’s negligent behavior was the cause for the injury, it may make sense to pursue a personal injury claim. Some of the most common types of personal injury claims include:
If you were hurt and sustained damages as a result, it may be in your best interest to pursue a personal injury claim.
Although a strong personal injury case does not always mean a favorable outcome, it can help you determine whether you should move forward with your claim. The following, are good indicators that it may be in your best interest to sit down with an attorney:
You may be wondering if you require an attorney for a personal injury claim with the insurance company. Although it’s not a required element to obtaining a settlement, it can certainly pay off in the long run. Sometimes, insurance companies can be difficult to deal with. They will be looking to settle your personal injury for as little as possible. An attorney may be able to help you negotiate a settlement that is fair.
What you may not realize is that a personal injury attorney is likely only to take on cases they believe they can settle or win in court. This because of the contingency fee structure that so many provide for their clients. Contingency fees give those who otherwise cannot afford to take action, the opportunity to collect damages for the injuries they have suffered. As a result, it’s not uncommon for an attorney to be very selective in the cases they are willing to take on. Before entering into an agreement surrounding contingency fees with an attorney, make sure you are clear to the fee structure you are agreeing to.
If you have been hurt in an accident and believe that someone else is to blame, contact personal injury lawyers D.C. residents recommend. They will be honest with you regarding whether your case is strong enough to take action against.
Thanks to our friends and contributors from Cohen & Cohen, P.C., for their insight into personal injury laws.
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